
Jenny Boulboulle

Further information

Country of origin

The Netherlands


Jenny Bulboullé gained a Masters of Art History at the University of Amsterdam in 2003, a Masters of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam in 2004.


At the time of her residency she was conducting research for her PhD at Maastricht University, stationed at Leiden University, in the Netherlands.

Her PhD project is part of the interdisciplinaire research program : ‘New Representational Spaces: Investigations of Interactions Between and Intersections of Art and Genomics’. Her research group is based at The Arts and Genomics Centre in Leiden, The Netherlands

Research project

Getting in touch with biotech matter: investigating lab practices in the life sciences and the arts

During her residency, Bulboullé completed archival research on SymbioticA’s previous residencies and projects.

An important point of interest was the artistic appropriation of scientific protocols, and she hoped to pursue her learning in molecular biology by gaining practical knowledge of Tissue Engineering.

Her main objective at SymbioticA stemmed from the need to work with artists in a laboratory setting. This residency enabled Boulboullé to complement her work in Leiden with ‘field work’ in artistic lab practices.

Boulboullé felt that it was essential for her to gain knowledge of artistic lab research through talking with artists and having the opportunity to see their work developing in a lab setting.


This residency was funded by the University Maastricht, Netherlandish Organisation for Research (NWO) and The Arts and Genomics Centre (TAGC).

Period of research

November – December 2006